class styles


soulful vibez.

A slow flow pilates class like no other. 

SOULFUL VIBEZ  has been designed to bring you back into your bod and out of your head. Incorporating longer held stretches and gentle movements to increase blood flow, and assist you in releasing areas of unwanted tension and stagnation in the body. 

The idea is to breathe deeply and move effortlessly, as we flow from one move to the next. Combining contemporary dance-inspired movements, with pilates sequences. This class will help you feel more embodied in your feminine, connected with your breath and a heck of a lot more calm and centred in that bootiful bod and mind of yours.

  • Strengthen & lengthen those bootiful muscles of yours.

    An overall gentle, but juicy & flowy slow flow to leave you feeling more grounded and connected to your bod.

  • You probably already figure it out by now.

    This class is sloooow paced, as we flow in rhythm with our breath.

  • Wanting to move, but needing to take things sloooow.

    This is ya girl…juicy, flowy and oh so gentle. This class is for when your bod is needing some serious TLC & lovin’. Enter stressed & tired, leave feeling grounded & calm. Wow we love that for you.